Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Spark Theory

The Spark Theory is the idea that something intangible must exist between two people to create something worth nurturing.  
A spark is the feeling you get when you see their number pop up on your phone, as they walk into your house, or when you physically connect. 
There is a journey to falling in love, but a spark is needed to start lighting the path.  Attraction is not borne of a checklist or proximity.  Emotional fulfillment does not come from “winning” someone.  
Married people explain it as “I just knew.” 
Sparks can leave scars but you cannot have the fire/passion/warmth of a relationship without them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie :) I was chosen as your V-Day swap partner! I was just looking over your blog :) Very cute! I love this idea of Friends with Benefits post & your spark theory! I was wondering if there was a different way we can get in contact with each other, to get to know each other a little better :) I didn't see an e-mail or anything just your blog! Please let me know :)
    Thank you! Looking forward to getting to know you <3 !
